Movie Review Sentiment Classifier
Project information
- Category: Algorithm Design
- Location: Champaign, IL
- Project date: Oct 2023
- Project URL: temporarily unavailable
Suppose that we're building an app that recommends movies. We've scraped a large set of reviews off the web, but of course, we would like to recommend only movies with positive reviews.
- Implemented a binary sentiment classifier using the Naive Bayes algorithm in Python, training on a dataset of movie reviews to classify them as positive or negative based on a bigram bag of words model
- Enhanced the classifier by integrating a mixture of unigram and bigram models, with Laplace smoothing, balancing between unigram and bigram contributions, optimizing for highest classification accuracy.
- Experimented with text preprocessing techniques like stemming, lowercase transformation, and stop words removal, fine-tuning classifier performance on development and hidden test datasets